I say it is not likely you are reading this because if you are indeed on a quest to locate bikini clad vixens, you are not feeling very cerebral at the moment. It would have probably been much easier for you to have simply searched for this term using Google's image search engine, but you had a different idea. You are the type of person looking for something off of the beaten path. When it comes to any search for swimsuit large wallpaper we have you covered! Indeed, if you follow any of our various links and images, they will lead you straight to the booty you seek. Get it? Booty? It is a pun. Pirates seek booty. Treasure is booty. Female booty is treasure. Okay, I went too far explaining it and it is now less funny than in the beginning. Sports Illustrated has some excellent examples of the type of booty you are interested in. Supermodels and beautiful women of quality grace its cover every year for their special Swimsuit Edition. Yasmin Bleeth is one of the absolute hottest ever.
If you are a little more... shall we say adventurous... you may even choose to peruse the naughtier of male focused magazine titles. Examples you may find of interest are Playboy, Hustler, and Maxim. If you are new in your cravings for exposed female flesh, I suggest you start off in the Maxim series. The others do not really have the swimsuit you said you were looking for.
Let's be honest, in your search for swimsuit wallpaper, you would probably not be overly disappointed to find naked wallpaper either unless you live at home with your parents or actually have a girlfriend who visits you. Some girlfriends will be open minded about some half naked girl on your computer screen, and some will not. Some will be completely offended by the idea that you would ever want to look at the image of some other female body. Others will like the image too much and you will lose your now girlfriend to a girl who looks better in the swimsuit the model is wearing than you ever could. We do not want that for you, of course. So be wise in your choice of screen saver. You never know who is going to be peeking over your shoulder at your laptop.
If you are a little more... shall we say adventurous... you may even choose to peruse the naughtier of male focused magazine titles. Examples you may find of interest are Playboy, Hustler, and Maxim. If you are new in your cravings for exposed female flesh, I suggest you start off in the Maxim series. The others do not really have the swimsuit you said you were looking for.
Let's be honest, in your search for swimsuit wallpaper, you would probably not be overly disappointed to find naked wallpaper either unless you live at home with your parents or actually have a girlfriend who visits you. Some girlfriends will be open minded about some half naked girl on your computer screen, and some will not. Some will be completely offended by the idea that you would ever want to look at the image of some other female body. Others will like the image too much and you will lose your now girlfriend to a girl who looks better in the swimsuit the model is wearing than you ever could. We do not want that for you, of course. So be wise in your choice of screen saver. You never know who is going to be peeking over your shoulder at your laptop.