Color has always made a difference in our lives. Color can brighten a plain white wall and color is one of the most popular motivators that people use to determine what wallpaper they would like to use in their home decor. Whether we realize it or not, color effects our lives and helps to set our moods. Some colors brighten our lives and naturally make us smile, while others make us tired or just simply relax us. This article will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions when selecting the right wallpaper for your home. Sometimes color is selected because it is simply a favorite. Other times, our subliminal minds draw us to a color and we may not know why. Let's take a look at some colors and the effects that these colors have on us.
The red color family includes shades of red like bright red, pink, rose, maroon, burgundy, cardinal red and raspberry. Since red is the warmest of all colors, using wallpapers in the red color family will make your room appear cheerful, bold, dramatic and exciting. The effect of red wallpaper in a room will be to make the room appear smaller and warmer because it brings the background in closer. Putting red objects or accessories in a room will make the objects appear larger because red focuses on attention. Overall, red wallpaper will bring warmth and excitement to an otherwise cool room. An interesting and little known fact about the color red is that it stimulates appetite.
The orange color family includes hues of pumpkin, peach, coral, terra-cotta, copper and rust. Using orange based wallpaper will provide a welcoming and cheerful room that will make you feel warm and comfortable. The effect of using an orange based wallpaper in a room is much like the effects of red. However, since the orange hues in wallpaper provide a softer tint, this is a good color mixer and will provide a cheerful and exciting effect in your room. Orange wallpaper is great for kitchens and family rooms. The most interesting fact about orange is that although it creates a warm glow, it can also make people tire easily.
The red color family includes shades of red like bright red, pink, rose, maroon, burgundy, cardinal red and raspberry. Since red is the warmest of all colors, using wallpapers in the red color family will make your room appear cheerful, bold, dramatic and exciting. The effect of red wallpaper in a room will be to make the room appear smaller and warmer because it brings the background in closer. Putting red objects or accessories in a room will make the objects appear larger because red focuses on attention. Overall, red wallpaper will bring warmth and excitement to an otherwise cool room. An interesting and little known fact about the color red is that it stimulates appetite.
The orange color family includes hues of pumpkin, peach, coral, terra-cotta, copper and rust. Using orange based wallpaper will provide a welcoming and cheerful room that will make you feel warm and comfortable. The effect of using an orange based wallpaper in a room is much like the effects of red. However, since the orange hues in wallpaper provide a softer tint, this is a good color mixer and will provide a cheerful and exciting effect in your room. Orange wallpaper is great for kitchens and family rooms. The most interesting fact about orange is that although it creates a warm glow, it can also make people tire easily.