Wallpaper and screen savers on the desktop can be found at many different sites. Usually, the most popular wallpaper with girls, nature, fantasy, games, cars. These categories can be found at almost any site. Recently, the screen saver on your desktop share the same resolution. This is due to a fairly wide variety of monitors used by users. If only a few years ago, the most common resolution monitors is 1024x768 pixels, at the moment it became more common resolution 1280x1024, slightly ahead of the resolution 1024x768. Distribution of widescreen monitors and laptops made it necessary to create wallpaper on your desktop with a resolution of 1680x1050, 1440x900, 1200x800. When proportional resizing standard wallpaper, we can not get a widescreen wallpaper. Of course, you can always use the stretch during the installation of wallpaper, but in this case, the desktop wallpaper will be unnaturally stretched horizontally or vertically. With the increasing popularity of file-sharing services are widely used collection of wallpaper or otherwise - wallpapers pack.
Ease of use wallpaper collections is the ability to download one file from several dozen to several thousand screensavers on your desktop (depends only on the author's collection). In addition, wallpapers pack can also have a thematic focus, ie in the compilation may include wallpaper with only girls, only with nature, or games. On the other hand downloading wallpapers-pack you lose the opportunity to select each screen saver. And along with liked wallpaper you can download absolutely useless to you. How can that be? If you have a wide channel and low-cost traffic, then perhaps you will be more convenient to download a few clips and then have to choose the most worthy images.
Ease of use wallpaper collections is the ability to download one file from several dozen to several thousand screensavers on your desktop (depends only on the author's collection). In addition, wallpapers pack can also have a thematic focus, ie in the compilation may include wallpaper with only girls, only with nature, or games. On the other hand downloading wallpapers-pack you lose the opportunity to select each screen saver. And along with liked wallpaper you can download absolutely useless to you. How can that be? If you have a wide channel and low-cost traffic, then perhaps you will be more convenient to download a few clips and then have to choose the most worthy images.


